3-Light CoverNo Longer Avaialble
4-Red FilterNo Longer Available
5-Wire and Socket with 12volt bulb
5-LED LIght (Red)Tube with wireReplaces bulb socket and wire
6- Bulb 12V
7-Wire and Socket w/o Bulb
8-Top Bezel Ring With Compensators InstalledCurrently not available
15-Screw (4-40 x 5/8")Uses 4 of these and 4 of # 16-171-11
16-Screw (4-40x3/4") Uses 4 of these and 4 #15-160-8
20-Navigrid DiscNo Longer Available
22-Lubbers lines Pan and Gimbal Ring Assy.No Longer Available
26- Oring, Dome
Filler Plug Gasket
30-Expansion DiaphramThis diaphram measures 3-3/16" in diameter
Aquameter Gemini Binnacle and Flush Mount Compass PartsThe Gemini compass (4-1/2" clear dome)was manufactured by Aquameter for many years until the Aquameter Compass Company was taken over by Rule Industries. The Gemini was marketed by Rule Industries for a short period of time, until it was modified and became part of the Constellation line of compasses. Most of the important parts are still available. The Gemini compass uses about 24 ounces of compass fluid to fill it. Click on the parts diagram to enlarge the image. Parts with prices are listed below by the key number in the diagram.