Wilcox Crittenden Compass Repair Wilcox Crittenden made small box compasses and "dory" compasses for many years. This dory compass was restored in our shop. The dial had been replaced with a Star Compass Co. dial at some time.

Wilcox Crittenden Compass Repair This compass after being carefully restored in our shop is an excellent example of a Wilcox Crittenden compass. These were oil filled box compasses that were very popular in small boats from the 1920's until the 1950's when spherical compasses started to become more popular.

Wilcox Crittenden Compass Repairs
Wilcox Crittenden 
2" Wilcox Crittenden Compass Repair
3" Wilcox Crittenden Dory Compass This is a great example of an early to mid 1900's dory compass. Manufactured by Wilcox Crittenden originally of Middletown Connecticut these compasses were the standard in small "Dory" compasses. Formed in 1869 the Wilcox Crittenden company enjoyed a reputation for high quality marine products. Their fittings and compasses were found on almost every ship launched on the East Coast for over 100 years.
This 3" dial Compass was restored to its original working condition. It is mounted in its original mahogany box.
